Transforming E-commerce Experience
Improving e-commerce user experience for a leading food service provider in Scandinavia.
Martin & Servera'24
March 30, 2024
Improving e-commerce user experience for a leading food service provider in Scandinavia.
Martin & Servera'24
March 30, 2024
Martin & Servera is Sweden's leading food service provider, supplying restaurants, hotels, and catering businesses with high-quality ingredients and equipment. As part of their digital transformation, they hired me to redesign their e-commerce platform and improve the overall customer experience.
My design process usually involves user research, competitive analysis, and iterative prototyping to create a modern, intuitive, and user-friendly platform. We focused on streamlining the purchasing workflow, enhancing product discovery, improving search, complaint and order management. M&S UX team has their own design process at place, which was used in this case.
Even thought I received a scope and improvements description from Product Owner for this project I did not just blindly followed it, I was checking the potential solutions with customers and suggesting the changes where it was needed.
Finding the right product and ordering it feels easy and intuitive. While using tools like Search, My shopping list and My orders I feel that my experience is consistent and reflects the company branding.
We used heatmaps to identify the most important information for customers. New design is a result of UX assumptions and user testing.
Our assumptions were:
"We don't sell shortcuts, we sell food"
"The customer should find a product in the easiest and fastest way and be inspired"
"The customer wants to start shoping when they get to the start page"
As a result we decided to:
Graphic Design
Zington & Freelance