Transforming E-commerce Experience

In short

Improving e-commerce user experience for a leading food service provider in Scandinavia.


Martin & Servera'24



March 30, 2024

Project overview

Martin & Servera is Sweden's leading food service provider, supplying restaurants, hotels, and catering businesses with high-quality ingredients and equipment. As part of their digital transformation, they hired me to redesign their e-commerce platform and improve the overall customer experience.

Based on the data the decision was made to improve e-commerce user experience and search functionality

The process

My design process usually involves user research, competitive analysis, and iterative prototyping to create a modern, intuitive, and user-friendly platform. We focused on streamlining the purchasing workflow, enhancing product discovery, improving search, complaint and order management. M&S UX team has their own design process at place, which was used in this case.

Understand and define the problem


Even thought I received a scope and improvements description from Product Owner for this project I did not just blindly followed it, I was checking the potential solutions with customers and suggesting the changes where it was needed.

  • Create a start page based on today's functionality - we ended up adding new elements while having implementation time in mind and collaborationg tightly with developers (e.g. adding a photo block and shortcut component)
  • Prepare a proposal for fewer shortcuts so that we have room for more product recommendations/promotions above the fold - this requirement was agreed upon and confirmed as a good solution during user tests.


Finding the right product and ordering it feels easy and intuitive. While using tools like Search, My shopping list and My orders I feel that my experience is consistent and reflects the company branding.

Company branding

Heatmaps and assumptions

We used heatmaps to identify the most important information for customers. New design is a result of UX assumptions and user testing.

Our assumptions were:

"We don't sell shortcuts, we sell food"

"The customer should find a product in the easiest and fastest way and be inspired"

"The customer wants to start shoping when they get to the start page"

As a result we decided to:

  • Increases sales area
  • Easy access to both calendar and planned deliveries
  • Mobile first approach
  • Links to take up less space

Check other projects

I design accessible and intuitive digital products that create value.
Based in Stockholm, open for remote freelance projects.


  • 2017-2019

    Graphic Design

  • 2009-2014



  • 2021-now

    Zington & Freelance

  • 2019-2021
